
Monday, January 31, 2011

A Great Day at First Baptist Church!

What a great day we had Sunday... packed house, great singing, and the message wasn't too long :)

But at the end of the service we were able to make an announcement that I want to share here in case you missed it.

About 10 1/2 months ago, we asked our church to take a step of faith and give sacrificially above their regular giving toward the rebuilding and renovating of our preschool ministry facilities.

We initially estimated that the church could stretch and give $95,000 extra in the first year and another $95,000 extra in the second year. But we decided to just see what would happen if we refused to borrow any money and challenged the church to give it all in one year... a total of $190,000.

Well when the pledges came in last March we were overwhelmed with the total: $181,000. And while that was still short of the funds needed for the project, we were excited. Well, as of last week, the offerings toward the pledge totaled: $191,733.40!

The original goal of $190,000 was reached and surpassed one and a half months early!

As the project bids have come in, however, the actual cost of the project has risen to $220,000. But in addition to the church meeting the original goal, a very generous family has given an extra $30,000 which takes us even beyond the new cost total for the project.

What does this mean? We can begin now to build what we need and incur no debt!

Thank you for your sacrificial giving. Thank you for your faithfulness. And thank the Lord for his bountiful provisions!

I look forward to seeing all of the young families we are able to reach through this new facility you have given toward.

Pastor Noel