
Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Update for the Week

Things have been pretty busy at church this week... as usual.

Good news on this week's New Member class... Carla just let me know seven people have made reservations thus far. It is great to see God adding new people to our church almost every week.

We've had four people make professions of faith in the last two morning worship services!

When I put out my preaching schedule a couple months ago for the Heart2Heart series, I said I would be preaching from Exodus 35 this week. I will still be teaching from that passage, but my focus will be on Joshua 6. If you are reading ahead for Sunday, that would be the best place to study.

In the evening Soma-Kristou worship, we will continue our series on the Holy Spirit.

Each Sunday night we take about 5-10 minutes to answer a general question from the Bible. In recent weeks we have answered questions such as...

  • What does the Bible say about Suicide?
  • Where in the Bible is the Pope?
  • How old is the Earth? How can that be reconciled with Science?

If you have any suggestions for future questions (and you are an Ohio reader), you can drop them in the submission box at the greeter desk in the main foyer.

Pastor Noel